Sunday, April 13, 2014

WALKER WORTHY Governance Platform

  • Operate a clean, honest, transparent government, including mandatory Ethics training for all City Hall staff.
  • Appoint Cabinet members who are highly skilled and knowledgeable to restore standards of service and accountability in City Hall.
  • Open a dialogue with the state to restore Payment in Lieu of Taxes [PILOT] funding for the 24% of the city’s land that is occupied by the capital complex tax-free.
  • Work to stabilize local property taxes by bringing in development and increasing property ratables.
  • Ensure that City Hall is the resource citizens deserve. Customer service will be the top priority.
  • Create a 311 system with an app where citizens can report other issues such as potholes or broken street lights for immediate attention from the city.
  • Restore revenue generating departments, including but not limited to inspections and parking enforcement.
  • Create accountability among landlords with multiple rental properties, including business licenses and compliance with city codes.

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