Sunday, April 13, 2014


  • Use my education expertise and work closely with the superintendent, parents and students, administrators, the board of education and staff to ensure that change is meaningful and will foster an environment where our children can flourish in public schools. 
  • Provide a wide range of opportunities for students, from hands-on vocational instruction to STEM education (science, technology, engineering and math)
  • Provide intense academic intervention to prevent students who have not mastered grade-level material from being promoted, which ultimately set kids up to fail.
  • Monitor closely the construction of Trenton Central High School to ensure follow-through and completion by the state
  • Support further infrastructure improvements in several other city schools that are older than the high school, in order to ensure a quality environment.
  • Appoint school board members who are knowledgable about education, understand curriculum and dedicated to quality education.

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