Saturday, May 24, 2014

Unapologetic New Jersey

I am not bashing Governor Christie because New Jersey is almost in a state of disrepair and he inherited this problem. I also have to say SHAME on these RICH people hiding their money and can afford their tax brackets. It just hurts to know that the poorer class is actually funding this country. You don't donate to American charities must less locally.

New Jersey has the highest property tax in the nation. One of the highest Costs of living in the Country. Our plates may say the "GARDEN STATE", in reality they should say "CORRUPTION STATE". No matter how many years go by, the Mob is still running New Jersey.

The question is:....

How can we fix it? 

Answer: Let's clear out ALL the slackers. Let the "young" people come to work and be productive. We live in a state that is very dense. It's 9 million of us. We can have educated bodies in the jobs.

I was reading in the paper in regards to New Jersey's budget short fall. Until this article came out, I was unsure where Governor Chris Christie was going to TAKE the MONEY from to balance the budget.

I have to say I was a little surprised that he was taking 2.43 Billion dollars over 2 years from Public Service workers pension funding.  Much as I hate the incompetent protected Public Service employees, I felt bad. On a brighter note, he chose not to take funding from our struggling schools and Medicaid. They could have easily took the money from Medicaid due to New Jersey's choice to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. However, in 2 years or upon expiration of the federal funding through ACA, we would have to then fully fund our Medicaid. 

I have to say, it is so much going on in New Jersey. State office workers are very incompetent and really useless. I wish there was a way to actually stop holding onto "obliged payroll personnel." They cost us so much money and government can care less. 

New Jersey is currently paying transitional aid to Trenton which some of you know about. They should be giving the money to us regardless of a transitional agreement due to the overwhelming numbers of immigrants and illegals we have in Trenton.  We should be getting that monetary amount without a clause. While we are receiving this "transitional aid", the state has full control over ALL hiring and firings. 

I just think that it is really sad because NEW JERSEY is keeping us down. Our acting mayor has been going through and finding out who is competent and who is not. He is forced to have these people on payroll. This include Appointed offices that have technically expired in February when the Federal judge threw Tony Mack out of office. 

One thing I have Learned:  
There are No politics like in TRENTON and no BIGGER CIRCUS than TRENTON!

I don't know about the rest of Trenton or even New Jersey for that matter, but I will be displaying an upside-down flag for distress.

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