Thursday, September 18, 2014

NJ Cannabis Conference Rally

Legalize Marijuana Rally

Come out on Saturday, October 18, to the NJ State House for a parade and rally to support the legalization of marijuana in NJ. 

This rally will include potheads, NJ Medical Marijuana Patients, cannabis consumers, politicians, parents of sick children who need medical marijuana, and anyone against the current NJ laws on cannabis. 

This is a legalization rally but will also support any progressive measures on marijuana, including a more compassionate medical marijuana program - But this rally is a demand for the Full Legalization of Marijuana. 

We will ride the trains and buses to Trenton to CONFRONT Governor Christie. 

The "Parade of the People" will begin at 2:00 PM at the Riverline train station. NJ Weedman will lead the march up Clinton Avenue make left at State street and march on to the NJ statehouse, where we will join those already gathered in front of the Statehouse steps at 3:30 PM with speeches, special prayers and ingesting of our sacrament at 4:20 PM!

At 4:20 PM, we will smoke in unison across the street from the NJ State Building in a defiant act of Civil Disobedience. 

Those who dont want to smoke can stand across the street in support. Over 150 people did this at the 4/20 rally on Easter in front of police officers, and no one was harassed or arrested. The philosophy of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. is that with large numbers the people have the power to successfully confront the decision-makers. We plan to implement this at the state capitol. 


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