Friday, August 22, 2014

"Don't Call Me That"

So I was having a conversation with my 8 year-old son. He just reminds of the kind of person that is all about world peace. He did a piece for President's Day this year I was so proud of him.

So my son say "why do people call themselves black when they are brown. I tell people don't call me black, call me brown.
So I asked "what do you call other friends that are light and dark?"
He said:  If they are light I call them white, yellow, tan, or mocha.  If they are dark there are a lot of shades of brown. There's coffee, brown, caramel, chocolate.

What can you do when your 8 year old sees the world as it actually is versus what they want you to think it is? (He believes in a peaceful world where racism will not exist.  The sad part is he know it is chaotic and needs improvement.)

I teach him to be bugger than you are and help people out.  Be there. Be compassionate. And I applaud his efforts for a more humble world. Who knows... he may be the one to actually make a difference that sticks around an eternity.

He is the Yang to my Yin.  

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