Jobs and Economy
- Use my experience and relationships with key state and county officials to create public/private partnerships and promote the benefit of doing business in Trenton.
- Utilize apprenticeship opportunities, including a Second Chance program for ex-offenders, to provide residents with marketable job skills while attracting businesses with a skilled labor pool.
- Aggressively pursue revenue and funding opportunities to maintain municipal infrastructures.
- Ensure all pending and future development provides a long-term benefit to the city.
- Create a “prompt payment” policy that ensures contractors with the city will be paid in a timely manner, allowing small business to better compete for work with the city.
- Establish a Redevelopment Authority and work with inspections, planning and zoning departments to get development projects fast-tracked.
- Bring vacant land back into use, including developing the waterfront and bringing in casino gaming.
- Foster and develop a heritage tourism industry. Build on the successes of Patriots Week and capitalize on Trenton’s significance in American history.
- Work with local banks to take advantage of civic investment and financing opportunities through the federal Community Reinvestment Act.
- Establish and maintain “round table” forums with business and labor stakeholders, in order to share valuable insight and advice on economic and job issues as they arise.
- Establish a division of contract compliance to enforce, for the benefit of job seekers and wage earners, the contractual promise of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity required of those who do business with the city of Trenton.
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