Monday, March 31, 2014



According to the Map of the Meal Gap created by Feeding America:
In 2010,
-The food insecurity level in New Jersey was 13.5% overall and 18.6% for children.
(Food insecurity level counts households who experienced food insecurity at least once in the year)

-The number of people living in food insecure households was 1,190,130, of which 380,170 were children.

-Only 55% of these households who are considered food insecure qualify for SNAP by falling within the threshold of 185% of the federal poverty level.

In 2011,
-The food insecurity level in New Jersey was 12.7% overall and 19.0% for children.
394,240 children were living in food insecure households.
According to the US Census of 2010 and 2011,
-New Jersey had a population of 8,821,155 in 2011; 23.2% of that population was under the age of 18 and 9.4% of that population was living below the federal poverty level. 
-About 897,376 people in NJ were living below poverty level in 2011
Other Hunger Facts:
-The number of households in NJ experiencing food hardship increased from an average of 7.7% in 2004-2006 to 11.5% in 2007-2009.(USDA, November 2010)

-42% of the members of households in New Jersey served by the emergency food are children under 18 years old (up from 33% in 2006); 8% of the members of households are children age 0 to 5 years.* 
-Among households with children served, 83% are food insecure (up from 77% in ’06), and 37% are food insecure with very low food security.*

-49% of emergency food clients in NJ report having to choose between paying for food and paying for utilities or heating fuel. (40% in ’06); 48% had to choose between paying for food and paying their rent or mortgage (up from 39% in ’06); 34% had to choose between paying for food and paying for medicine or medical care. (up from 31% in ’06) *(NJ Federation of Food Banks hunger survey, February 2010)

Wil Wheatons on Bullying

Peanut Butter Jam Slam

Our Seniors should not have to ration food or other essentials because they cannot afford. We have to take excellent care of them. They were there for us.

Starting April 1st thru May 14th, 2014

Walker Worthy for Mayor Campaign and Do Something needs your help and support to collect peanut butter and jelly/jam, along with rice, canned good and toiletries. Gift cards will be accepted too.

Let's let the seniors know they are not forgotten. Pay It Forward, Don't Pay It Back!
All donations will benefit Jennye Stubblefield Senior Center and Redding Senior Center in Trenton, NJ.

For more information or to schedule a pickup:

Please call Queneke King at 609-288-2605 or email me at

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Walker Worthy Jr Needs Your Support

Pledge to help elect Walker Worthy Jr. the next mayor of Trenton.

Walker Worthy for Mayor Trenton

Word of Today Day 18


n. mutual exchange of privileges between states, nations, businesses or individuals. In regard to lawyers, reciprocity refers to recognizing the license of an attorney from another state without the necessity of taking the local state's bar examination. Such reciprocity is seldom granted now, since many large states refuse to give it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Astroturfing Word of the Day 3/26/14

Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message (e.g. political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from grassroots participant(s). It is intended to give the statements more credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection. The term astroturfing is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass, a play on the word "grassroots".  

Grassroots Movement

What is Grassroots Movement

grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is driven by a community's politics. The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it are natural and spontaneous, highlighting the differences between this and a movement that is orchestrated by traditional power structures. Grassroots movements are often at the local level, as many volunteers in the community give their time to support the local party, which can lead to helping the national party. For instance, a grassroots movement can lead to significant voter registration for a political party, which in turn helps the state and national parties. 


The earliest origins of the use of "grass roots" as a political metaphor are obscure. In the United States, an early use of the phrase "grassroots and boots" was thought to have been coined bySenator Albert Jeremiah Beveridge of Indiana, who said of the Progressive Party in 1912, "This party has come from the grass roots. It has grown from the soil of people's hard necessities".
In a 1907 newspaper article about Ed Perry, vice-chairman of the Oklahoma state committee, the phrase was used as follows: "In regard to his political views Mr. Perry has issued the following terse platform: 'I am for a square deal, grass root representation, for keeping close to the people, against ring rule and for fair treatment.'" A 1903 news article on a campaign for possible Theodore Roosevelt running mate Eli Torrance quotes a Kansas political organizer as saying: "Roosevelt and Torrance clubs will be organized in every locality. We will begin at the grass roots".  

Nonprofit Organization

nonprofit corporation is any legal entity which has been incorporated under the law of its jurisdiction for purposes other than making profits for its owners or shareholders. Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction, a nonprofit corporation may seek official recognition as such, and may be taxed differently from for-profit corporations, and treated differently in other ways.

There are a few different kinds of nonprofit corporations. 

I will describe 3:

  • Religious Corporation
  • Public-Benefit Nonprofit Corporation
  • Mutual-Benefit Nonprofit Corporation

public-benefit nonprofit corporation is a type of nonprofit corporation chartered by a state government, and organized primarily or exclusively for socialeducationalrecreational or charitable purposes by like-minded citizens. Public-benefit nonprofit corporations are distinct in the law from mutual-benefit nonprofit corporations in that they are organized for the general public benefit, rather than for the interest of its members. They are also distinct in the law from religious corporations.

A religious corporation is a nonprofit corporation organized to promote religious purposes. Often these types of corporations are recognized under the law on a sub-national level, for instance by a state or province government. The government agency responsible for regulating such corporations is usually the official holder of records, for instance a state Secretary of State. Religious corporations are formed like all other nonprofit corporations by filing articles of incorporation with the state. Religious corporation articles need to have the standard tax exempt language the IRS requires. 
Religious corporations are subject to less rigorous state and federal filing and reporting requirements than many other tax-exempt organizations, such as mutual benefit nonprofit corporations, or public benefit nonprofit corporations. Depending on the state in which they are located, they may also be exempt from some of the inspections or regulations governing non-religious groups performing the same services. Religious corporations are permitted to designate a person to act in the capacity of corporation sole*.  This is a person who acts as the official holder of title on property, etc. 

A mutual-benefit nonprofit corporation or membership corporation, in the United States, is a type of nonprofit corporation chartered by a state government that exists to serve its members in ways other than obtaining and distributing profits to them. Therefore, it cannot obtain IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit status as a charitable organization.
A mutual-benefit corporation can be non-profit or not-for-profit, but it still must pay regular corporate tax rates. A mutual benefit corporation will pay the same taxes as a regular for-profit corporation. (C corporation tax rates). Mutual benefit corporations must still file tax returns and pay income tax because they are not formed for a purpose that anyone in the world could benefit from. Mutual benefit corporations are formed for nonprofit purposes like managing a condo association, a downtown business district, or a homeowners association.
A utility cooperative is an example of an MBNC.

*A corporation sole is a legal entity consisting of a single ("sole") incorporated office, occupied by a single ("sole") person. A corporation sole is one of two types of corporation, the other being a corporation aggregate. This allows corporations (often religious corporations or Commonwealth governments) to pass without interval in time from one office holder to the next successor-in-office, giving the positions legal continuity with subsequent office holders having identical powers to their predecessors.

Quick Update

Hey Everyone,

I am sorry that I have been missing in action for a few weeks. I had some carpal tunnel like symptoms going on. It was a little hard to bend my wrists. I think I was working too hard, honestly.  But I am back and I have some reviews, updates, new things to talk about. Give me a couple of days. I have been busy and I am trying to adjust to this new schedule. 

Take the Survey Trentonians

What's Missing? Survey

Monday, March 10, 2014

Word of Today Day 17

Full Definition of QUEASY

a :  causing nausea <queasy motion>
b :  suffering from nausea :  nauseated
:  full of doubt :  hazardous
a :  causing uneasiness
(1) :  delicatesqueamish (2) :  ill at ease

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bill Gates Quote

“Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There`s a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning.” 

― Bill Gates

By... Maya Angelou

Let's Get Trenton Back!!!

In Trenton we have 1 newspaper company that only seems to highlight the negativity of TRENTON, NJ. The Trentonian is a local newspaper company whose business is located in Trenton, NJ.  I talk to people in South Jersey a lot and they all think Trenton is the worst place in New Jersey to live.  You know it is bad when you have people in the most impoverished city in America not wanting to utilize the River Line that is a connection point to the river cities between Trenton and Camden.

The paper has an amendment 1 right to publish what they want. I totally understand that but I don't think it is fair to have so many people walking on egg shells because they are genuinely scared to come here. 

I have to tell you, Trenton is not a place as depicted in the newspaper or on local news. Sure, Trenton is not in prestige condition but we are clearly not the murder capital of America. THIS IS THE CAPITOL OF NEW JERSEY. I live here. On my street we help each other out. We have our own "neighborhood watch" crew. There were 4 drunk drivers at different times that caused damages in the thousands to about 12 cars. 1 was a hit and run that caused a chain reaction to the whole block. The other 3 got caught. 2 of the drunk drivers were caught by neighbors. It had to be more than 100 people outside trying to help. We do not use cones or other objects when snow is on the ground because we look out for each other. 
When we had a lot of snow outside. Everyone on both sides of the street except 2 houses pitched in to make sure our street was safe for the daycare. Streets and sidewalks. 

We have things to offer and are creating more reasons to come to Trenton.  Here are a few all accessible from Routes 1, 29 & 129, I-295, I-95 and I-195 W:

  • Sun National Bank Center located: 81 Hamilton Ave, Trenton, NJ 08611 
  • Trenton Thunder  (Minor League baseball) 
  • William Trent House  (historical)
  • The Old Barracks (historical)
  • New Jersey State Museum with a cool Planetarium
  • Patriots Theater at the War Memorial
  • War Memorial  The main museum is in Sea Girt, with annexes at the 112th Field Artillery Armory in Lawrenceville and in Trenton War Memorial.
  • Trenton Freedom Arena Football Team (located conveniently at the Sun National Bank Center.
  • We have some nice scenic overlook parks located near the Water Front.
  • There is open access to great fishing spots. (Must have valid fishing license.  They can be purchased anywhere in NJ you buy bait and tackle. Walmart as well. 

Also we have store fronts and fixer uppers for sale. 


Jobs and Economy
  • Use my experience and relationships with key state and county officials to create public/private partnerships and promote the benefit of doing business in Trenton.
  • Utilize apprenticeship opportunities, including a Second Chance program for ex-offenders, to provide residents with marketable job skills while attracting businesses with a skilled labor pool.
  • Aggressively pursue revenue and funding opportunities to maintain municipal infrastructures.
  • Ensure all pending and future development provides a long-term benefit to the city.
  • Create a “prompt payment” policy that ensures contractors with the city will be paid in a timely manner, allowing small business to better compete for work with the city.
  • Establish a Redevelopment Authority and work with inspections, planning and zoning departments to get development projects fast-tracked.
  • Bring vacant land back into use, including developing the waterfront and bringing in casino gaming.
  • Foster and develop a heritage tourism industry. Build on the successes of Patriots Week and capitalize on Trenton’s significance in American history.
  • Work with local banks to take advantage of civic investment and financing opportunities through the federal Community Reinvestment Act.
  • Establish and maintain “round table” forums with business and labor stakeholders, in order to share valuable insight and advice on economic and job issues as they arise.
  • Establish a division of contract compliance to enforce, for the benefit of job seekers and wage earners, the contractual promise of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity required of those who do business with the city of Trenton.

Words to THINK About

Subjugate  (verb):  bring under domination or control, esp. by conquest.

Victimization (Victimize  root word)
  1. to make a victim of
  2. to subject to deception or fraud

Liberal  (Adjective)
  1. believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change 
  2. relating to or supporting political liberalism

Liberty   (noun)
  1. The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.
  2. The power or scope to act as one pleases.  

CPAC 2014 Sarah Palin

This is Sarah Palin's keynote speech from the Conservative Political Action Conference 2014. To be honest she NAILED IT. From beginning to end she had me.

I liked her before but I definitely like things that she expresses. I'm a fan.

Word of Today Day 16

partial breach

n. the failure to meet a term of a contract which is so minimal that it does not cause the contract to fail or justify breach (breaking the contract) by the other contracting party. A partial breach can be remedied (made up) by a small reduction in payment or other adjustment. Example: a landlord promises to rent an apartment furnished, and when the tenants move in some furnishings are not there. The landlord may lower the rent temporarily until he/she can bring in the missing or expected items.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Word of Today Day 15


Definition of OXYCODONE

:  a narcotic analgesic C18H21NO4 used especially in the form of its hydrochloride

Friday, March 7, 2014

Google's Schmidt: "We were attacked by the Chinese and the NSA"

Google chairman Eric Schmidt admitted on Friday that government attacks from China and the US forced his company to enhance security protocols.
Speaking at the SXSW technology conference in Austin, Texas, Schmidt said governments around the world have realized that attempts to block internet access are futile and have moved on to other methods of control.
“You don’t turn off the Internet: you infiltrate it,” he said in a wider-ranging conversation, as quoted by the Guardian. “The new model for a dictator is to infiltrate and try to manipulate it. You’re seeing this in China, and in many other countries.”
When asked about the role of technology in terms of popular uprisings in countries like Egypt and Ukraine, Schmidt said the spread of mobile devices has allowed people to organize much more easily - but although “revolutions are going to be easier to start,” they’ll also be “harder to finish.”
The Google executive also expressed concern over the possibility that countries could choose to edit what their citizens can find on the web.
“Imagine if the Arab world decides to delete all references to Israel?” he said. “It looks like people are going to use child safety as the starting point. Russia just passed a law nominally about child safety which pretty much allows arbitrary takedown of videos...There’s something strange, or at least duplicitous, at starting from something where we all agree, and then using it for other purposes.”
As for the bulk surveillance program being run by the US National Security Agency, Schmidt noted that Google has sped up its goal of encrypting data at several different points, adding, “We’re pretty sure right now that the information that’s inside of Google is safe from any government’s prying eyes, including the US government’s...We were attacked by the Chinese in 2010, we were attacked by the NSA in 2013. These are facts.”
The NSA is expected to be a big topic of discussion at SXSW, since former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden and journalist Glenn Greenwald are both scheduled to address the conference remotely. Snowden is responsible for leaking previously undisclosed documents about the NSA surveillance program to Greenwald, who has helped publish them in the media.
Schmidt’s remarks come just a couple of days after he spoke at a separate conference in Santa Monica, California. There, he predicted that in the near future, robots will become so prevalent they will“replace a lot of the repetitive behavior in our lives.”
“We’re experimenting with what automation will lead to,” he added at Oasis: The Montgomery Summit, according to Bloomberg News. “Robots will become omnipresent in our lives in a good way.”
These comments certainly fall in line with Google’s activity dating back over the past year, in which it purchased eight robotics companies in a span of only six months. In general, Bloomberg noted that over the last three years, Google has bought more companies than any other business.
In January, Google acquired a startup called DeepMind, which specializes in artificial intelligence. Though its work is something of a mystery, DeepMind is believed to be developing “deep learning” capabilities, or the process of enabling a machine to learn in the same way a human can. This ability would likely allow for major scientific breakthroughs in the future.
“The biggest thing will be artificial intelligence,” Schmidt stated. “Technology is evolving from asking a question to making a relevant recommendation. It will figure out things you care about and make recommendations. That’s possible with today’s technology.”
On the robotics front, meanwhile, Google’s acquisition of Boston Dynamics in December was also noteworthy, since that company often supplies robotics technology to the Pentagon and moonshot projects under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
As noted by Yahoo, other purchases include Meka, which develops robotic faces that “are capable of mimicking human emotions,” and Schaft, which works on robots that can be used during rescue operations too risky for humans to take part in.

Word of Today Day 14

National Labor Relations Board

n. an independent regulatory commission created in 1935 by the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), with five members appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the Senate. The NLRB is intended to protect employees' rights to unionize, prevent abuses by employers or unions, and oversee union and organizing elections.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

President Obama calls for higher minimum wage

WASHINGTON — Do something for Americans or I will.
A persistent but frustrated President Obama warned Congress Tuesday that he's prepared to take executive action to circumvent a body cutting him little slack.
His fifth State of the Union address came amid declining approval ratings, legislative gridlock and a long-rumored decision to use limited executive powers to fight back.
Thus, he said, he'll play small ball, like raising the minimum wage for federal contract workers, creating a "starter" retirement account and helping to cut carbon pollution.
In addition, he disclosed a deal with corporations, including Procter & Gamble, not to discriminate in hiring the long-term jobless. That's distinctly voluntary, though.

Read more:

We Could Feed 4 million people without spending an extra $1

Feed 4 Million People

Word of Today Day 13


Definition of MITOSIS

:  a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus — compare meiosis
:  cell division in which mitosis occurs


2014 Supplier Alliance for Microcredit® empowers more than 4,500 people
More than 4,500 people around the world will have a chance to lift themselves out of poverty and change their own lives through microcredit – thanks to Whole Planet Foundation’s Supplier Alliance for Microcredit partners. These 16 like-minded companies each have committed $50,000 this year to support the foundation’s poverty alleviation programs in Africa, Asia, Latin America and in the U.S. Read more about their support.

Whole Planet Foundation’s 2014 Supplier Alliance for Microcredit partners include:
  • Alaffia
  • Allegro Coffee Company
  • BlueAvocado
  • Frontier Co-op
  • Garden of Life
  • Hain Celestial
  • Hint Water
  • IZZE Sparkling Juice
  • PACT
  • Rescue Remedy
  • Rishi Tea
  • Sambazon
  • Seventh Generation
  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Whole Foods Market

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Annual Prosperity campaign

Whole Planet Foundation's annual Prosperity Campaign begins February 19th and ends on March 31st. In these six week, Whole Planet Foundation's goal is to raise $7 million, creating 40,000 loans and extending their support to more than 250,000 people around the world. Join their mission to empower impoverished entrepreneurs around the world by donating at the cash register at your local Whole foods Market Store or online.

You can tell your cashier in the store that you want to donate you bag discount to the Whole Foods Foundation.

I'm A Girl!

Because I'm A Girl

Girls should be able to do any job that a man does. They shouldn't be limited to cooking, cleaning, and raising babies.

Word of Today Day 12

legal separation

n. a court-decreed right to live apart, with the rights and obligations of divorced persons, but without divorce. The parties are still married and cannot remarry. A spouse may petition for a legal separation usually on the same basis as for a divorce, and include requests for child custody, alimony, child support and division of property. For people who want to avoid the supposed stigma of divorce, who hold strong religious objections to divorce or who hope to save a marriage, legal separation is an apparent solution. With more states allowing no-fault divorce, the use of separation agreements and informal separation, legal separation is rarely used.

$200 Million Request for Vaccines

Obama Make Historic $200 Million request for Vaccine in other Countries

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Word of Today Day 11


 adjective \ˈkō-shər\

Yiddish, from Hebrew kāshēr fit, proper
First Known Use: 1851

Full Definition of KOSHER

a :  sanctioned by Jewish law; especially :  ritually fit for use<kosher meat>
b :  selling or serving food ritually fit according to Jewish law<a kosher restaurant>
:  being proper, acceptable, or satisfactory <is the dealkosher?>

Word of Today Day 10

joint and several

adj. referring to a debt or a judgment for negligence, in which each debtor (one who owes) or each judgment defendant (one who has a judgment against him/her) is responsible (liable) for the entire amount of the debt or judgment. Thus, in drafting a promissory note for a debt, it is important to state that if there is more than one person owing the funds to be paid, the debt is joint and several, since then the person owed money (creditor, promisee) can collect the entire amount from any of the joint signers of the note, and not be limited to a share from each debtor. If a party injured in an accident sues several parties for causing his/her damages, the court may find that several people were "jointly" negligent and contributed to the damages. The entire judgment may be collected from any of the defendants found responsible, unless the court finds different amounts of negligence of each defendant contributed to the injury. Defense attorneys should require the trier of fact (jury or judge sitting without a jury) to break down the amount of negligence of each defendant and the plaintiff if there is contributory negligence. Often the court will refuse to do so, allowing the plaintiff to collect from whichever defendant has the "deep pocket" (lots of money), and letting the defendant who pays demand contributions from the other defendants.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bill Gates Rules

Bill Gates is by far one of the most innovative people in history to me. He has been enhancing technology a lot for more than 30 years. He is very intelligent, he went to Harvard!

Where were you first introduced to computers?

School introduced me to something new and I fell in love with computers, in 1993. It was a Macintosh and in 1997 I fell in love with Windows platforms in school. I got my first computer that year too. I have never looked back.

Clinton documents: Much has changed, but much still the same

  • Newly released Clinton papers detail health care battle of 1990s
  • Public gets a new look at inner workings of the Clinton White House
  • Several thousand pages of documents released in a first batch
  • Hillary Clinton is now a potential presidential contender in 2016

Read the full story at CNN

Same ole, same ole

Walker Worthy for Mayor Trenton, NJ

This is one of 8 mayoral candidates for Trenton New Jersey upcoming mayoral race.  

  • Born in Trenton in 1963 to Walker M. Worthy Sr. and Jerlene “Cookie” Humphries Worthy.
  • Graduated from Tennessee State University; B.A., History.
  • Appointed Deputy Clerk of Mercer County, the first African-American to hold that position. Worked as an educator at Trenton Public Schools. Served as a legislative aide in the New Jersey General Assembly.
  • Attends Shiloh Baptist Church; serves on the Board of Trustees.
  • Member of the NAACP, Tennessee State University Alumni Association, Correctional Officers Association of New Jersey, and National Education Association; Chair of the Mercer Pan Hellenic Council, Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity; Vice-Chair of the Trenton Public Education Foundation.

To read more information about Walker Worthy, go to  Worthy 4 Mayor


Bipartisanship is a political situation, usually in the context of a two-party system, in which opposing political parties find common ground through compromise, in theory. It has been debated among political theorists however that in practice, each party advances their own political agenda at the expense of the other party because of the conflicting ideologies.  

According to political analyst James Fallows in The Atlantic, bipartisanship is a phenomenon belonging to a two-party system such as the political system of the United States and does not apply to a parliamentary system such as Great Britain, since the minority party is not involved in helping write legislation or voting for it.[4] Fallows argues that in a two-party system, the minority party can be obstructionist and thwart the actions of the majority party.[4] However, analyst Anne Applebaum in The Washington Post suggested that partisanship had been rampant in the United Kingdom and described it as "a country in which the government and the opposition glower at each other from opposite sides of the House of Commons, in which backbenchers jeer when their opponents speak."[5] Applebaum suggested there was bipartisanship in Britain, meaning a coalition in 2010 between the opposing major parties, but that it remained to be seen whether the coalition can stay together to solve serious problems such as tackling Britain's financial crisis.[5]
Bipartisanship (in the context of a two-party system) is the opposite of partisanship which is characterized by a lack of cooperation between rival political parties.[6] Framer James Madison argued in the Federalist Papers that a danger to democracies were factions, which he defined as a group that pushed its interests to the detriment of the national interest. While the framers of theConstitution did not think that political parties would play a role in American politics, political parties have long been a major force in American politics, and the nation has alternated between periods of intense party rivalry and partisanship, as well as periods of bipartisanship. According to Robert Siegel of National Public Radio, there has been virtually no cooperation between Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. during the few years before 2010.[6]
Bipartisanship can also be between two or more opposite groups (e.g. liberal and conservative) to agree and determine a plan of action on an urgent matter that is of great importance to voters. This interpretation brings bipartisanship closer to the more applied notion of postpartisan decision-making; a solution-focused approach that creates a governance model with third-party arbiters used to detect bias.

For the rest of this article click here --> --> Wikipedia