Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tour de Decarcerate: Camden Edition

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Tour de Decarcarate: Camden Edition Press Release

For Immediate Release
January 1, 2015

Tour de Decarcarate: Camden Edition

Ferry Avenue Library:  852 Ferry Ave, Camden, NJ

January 24, 2015 3:00-5:00 pm

The Camden Comeback welcomes Decarcerate the Garden State to Ferry Avenue Library in Camden, New Jersey for a panel discussion. “The goal of this event is to begin the process of linking Camden with Trenton, Jersey City, Patterson and Newark so that we may be able to educate OUR residents on mass incarceration and to submit a holistic plan of action as a grassroots movement with Decarcerate the Garden State,” Gary C Frazier Jr (Founder of The Camden Comeback).

The keynote speaker of the event will be Dequi Kioni-Sadiki of the National Jericho Movement. Dequi has been active in the struggles against police violence, criminal justice, tuition hikes and women’s reproductive rights. She is a former member of the Black Panther Collective. She served as national co-chair of the People of African Descent Caucus for the Washington, DC-based United States Student Association, and currently works with the NYC Jericho Movement in the campaign to free United States political prisoners and prisoners of war. 

National Jericho Movement locates political prisoners, compiling records on them and building the case for amnesty; as well as, providing supportive services such as to legal defense.
We will hear from a representative of Decarcerate the Garden State who will speak about the proposed bill they are promoting: NJ Decarceration Act and their ongoing efforts to organize community wide discussions on mass incarceration in at least 30 cities across NJ.

In addition to Decarcerate the Garden State, some of Camden’s most dedicated community activists including but not limited to Faheem Lea, Gary C. Frazier Jr, Founder & Operator of The Camden Comeback, who educate, raise awareness and express a need for CHANGE. The Camden Comeback is a Political Action Committee that was established to address ALL Local and State Affairs that directly and indirectly effect the Political, Social, Educational, Economic and Social development of the citizens of Camden, NJ.

Please direct all calls or correspondences to:

The Camden Comeback: Gary Frazier at (856) 408-4409 email: